
 Cancel Paypal Automatic Payments

To cancel your subscription or recurring payment: Log in to your PayPal account. Click...

 How To Install Webmin on CentOS

This tutorial will guide you through 3 easy steps to installing Webmin on CentOS. This has worked...

 How to Check VPS Memory/RAM Usage with SSH

here are a few tools built-in to most Linux distros for gauging and fine-tuning your server's RAM...

 How to Clear cPanel/WHM Brute Force Log from SSH

If you find that you have accidentally been locked out of your WHM/cPanel server by Brute Force...

 How to Import/Export MySQL Databases with SSH

To export a MySQL database, access your VPS via SSH and run:   # mysqldump -u username -p...

 How to Install ConfigServer Firewall (CSF)

ConfigServer Firewall, or CSF, is a common Linux security suite. Log in to your VPS as the root...

 How to Install Deluge Seedbox VPS on Ubuntu

  Though it is one of the newest seedbox Web UIs, Deluge has proven to be a tested favorite...

 How to Install Kloxo on RHEL or CentOS VPS

The Kloxo installation process differs depending on whether you have already setup MySQL. If you...

 How to Install Minecraft Server on CentOS VPS

Virtual servers are the ideal hosts for minecraft servers. Setting up a Minecraft server is...

 How to Install Nginx with Yum on CentOS

Nginx is a popular lightweight alternative to Apache. Installing it with the yum package manager...

 How to Install OpenVPN on CentOS VPS

OpenVPN is an open source virtual private network (VPN) software. Follow the steps below to...

 How to Install RapidLeech v42 on Debian or Ubuntu VPS

This guide will walk you through the installation of RapidLeech v42 r358 on a VPS running Debian...

 How to Install VNC w/ GNOME on Debian VPS

VNC is a remote desktop sharing system that will allow you to connect your home PC to a GUI...

 How to Install VNC w/ Ubuntu Desktop on VPS

This guide will walk you through the steps necessary to configure Ubuntu Desktop and...

 How to Install WHM/cPanel on RHEL or CentOS VPS

To install cPanel, run the following commands while logged in to your VPS as the root user: # cd...

 How to Install Webmin on CentOS or Debian VPS

Webmin is a free web hosting control panel compatible with most Linux distributions. To install...

 How to Install rTorrent/ruTorrent Seedbox on Ubuntu VPS

This tutorial will guide you through the installation of libtorrent 0.13.0, rTorrent 0.9, and the...

 How to Setup Ruby on Rails for CentOS/Fedora VPS

This tutorial will walk you through the setup of a basic Ruby on Rails environment, including:...

 How to Update VPS Timezone (OpenVZ)

Your OpenVZ will reflect the host server's time settings by default; however, it is possible to...

 How to Update cPanel License Key / Run License Script

To run the cPanel License Key update script (perhaps if you've upgraded from a trial license, or...

 Install and Run UnixBench on CentOS or Debian VPS

  UnixBench is a popular server benchmarking tool. To install and run UnixBench, just do the...