I've lost my password to my server. How can I recover it?

If the root or Administrator password to your server is suddenly not working, there are a few things that you can check before contacting us.

  • Are you copy/pasting the password? Try to type the password yourself. If your cannot, please paste the password in a notepad to ensure no spaces are accidentally being copied with the password.

  • If the server has cPanel on it, is it possible that cPHulk has blocked your IP address due to failed logins? If so, you can access the server via the KVM or IPMI and whitelist your IP address in cPHulk with "/scripts/cphulkdwhitelist" followed by your IP address.

  • Has someone recently tried to change the password for the server by modifying the password in Portal? Changing the password in the Portal, only changes what you see as the password. It does not change the password the server is using. If this has happened, you can contact Support and we can usually recover the original, working password.

If these have all been checked and you are still unable to connect to the server using the password, please send a mail to  using the subject "Reboots and Console Access" to request a password reset. We will have to reboot the server in order to reset the password, so please ensure you are prepared to approve the reboot and/or provide a maintenance time frame in which you would like it done. Most password resets can be accomplished in 15 minutes or so.

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